This privacy notice is in place to inform you of how we, Deborah Jayne School of Dance, may collect, use and protect your personal data.
Deborah Jayne School of Dance is committed to protecting any personal information you share with us.
Deborah Jayne School of Dance operate in accordance with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) which comes into effect on 25th May 2018.
Your Rights
It is the right of anyone required to submit personal data to Deborah Jayne School of Dance to understand what personal information we collect and why, how we use and store that information and how we dispose of that information should you leave the school, no longer use our services or should any of your details change.
We aim to operate fairly and with complete transparency meaning you can contact Deborah Jayne School of Dance at any time to confirm what personal data we hold and to ask us to remove any information you do not wish for us to have. If you ask for your data to be removed, we will keep the minimum amount of information to ensure we adhere to your request. Please note, however, that we may have a lawful reason to hold or use the personal data in question, which does not require consent.
The majority of our communications will be via email. Your email address will never be displayed within a group email. In some circumstances it will be possible to change the way we contact you, however, please note this may result in important information being missed or delayed.
It is your right to choose what communications you wish to receive from us, i.e. only information as relevant to you as an individual or company. You can opt in or out of communication for marketing purposes (such as advertising of holiday workshops) at any time.
To view, update or remove any information please email [email protected]. Requests for full details held by us will require proof of identity.
What personal information will we collect and why?
We will not collect any information other than what is lawfully relevant to registration as a Deborah Jayne School of Dance pupil or for participation in any Deborah Jayne School of Dance related event (to include but not limited to: classes, rehearsals, exam sessions, performances, auditions, dance parties, workshops) with the child’s safety being of paramount importance.
Information required for enrolment and participation of classes:
Child’s Full Name (so the child can be easily identified in class. This will appear on the class register so the child’s attendance can be recorded for safety reasons and to ensure correct invoicing of classes. Date of Birth (to ensure children are placed in the correct class and eligible for certain exams, events, competitions, workshops, auditions etc. where an age limit applies) Contact Name of Parent/Guardian (so we know the legally responsible adult who should be contacted in regard to the child’s participation in classes and events, for contacting in an emergency situation and who to issue the invoice for classes and additional events, such as exams and shows) Address (sometimes it may be necessary to send letters and other information via post, such as exam certificates, uniform orders etc.) Telephone Number (in order to contact the responsible parent/guardian in relation to child’s participation in Deborah Jayne School of Dance classes and events and for emergency and medical situations that may arise in class – for instance if the child becomes unwell and we need to contact you to collect them from class early. For safety reasons parent contacts may be stored in the school mobile phone. This phone is accessible by the Principal only and password protected.) Medical Information (to ensure the child is kept safe and healthy within class and so that relevant information can be shared with paramedics or medical professionals should an emergency situation arise. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep Deborah Jayne School of Dance informed and up to date with all relevant medical information, including injuries and both physical and psychological conditions. If you are a company or person hiring us (for example for a school club or wedding dance choreography) we will only collect information relevant to the purpose of our business with you. The information we collect will depend on the service you require.
Who will we share your information with?
The School will ensure your personal details will always be treated in strict confidence and will not be passed on or sold to any other organisation or third party (including other members of the school) without your consent or without a legitimate reason as is lawful and relevant to your child’s enrolment (see below).
On occasion it may be necessary to disclose student information to a 3rd party, for example for exams and events:
Exams: Deborah Jayne School of Dance is required to submit entering pupil’s names and date of births to the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) Performance: Where licenses or license exemptions are required for a performance Deborah Jayne School of Dance must submit pupil names, date of births, home address and the school attended to local councils in order to comply with Child Work Enforcement and Child Protection and Safeguarding regulations
Our website domain ( and webmail provider is Mailchimp who adhere to the GDPR guidelines. All information posted on and collected through our website (such as our online enrolment form and contact form) are protected by SSL encryption and are password protected.
All personal information collected is accessible by the Principal and administration staff only. All collected information is used and stored purely for what is relevant to your request or enrolment. All information is processed in line with the GDPR guidelines. If you no longer wish to continue to be a customer at Deborah Jayne School of Dance and hand in your half terms notice, we will archive your details in case you wish to return in the future. If you wish for your details to be fully deleted, please notify us via email [email protected].
Photos and Video:
All photos and videos published on social media or the Deborah Jayne School of Dance website will be handled in accordance with our photographic policy. This means we will never post media without permission (as directed on the Deborah Jayne School of Dance Terms & Conditions) and furthermore we will never name a child or provide any personal details. We will remove or edit any media containing images of your child that you ask us to.
All social media sites and websites used within the EU are also required to adhere to strict data protection protocols in line with the GDPR guidelines. As such all personal information stored, collected or processed there will be handled with the upmost security and accessible by necessary persons only.
Accurate Information:
Our aim is to keep all information up to date and as accurate as possible and we therefore kindly ask your assistance in this matter by ensuring you always inform the administration staff ([email protected]) of any changes to important details such as names, contact details (telephone number, emergency contact, address, email address), medical conditions/injuries and any other information that could be relevant to the admin team and teachers (for example, a bereavement or school related incident that could affect the child physically or emotionally in class and requires extra care by the teacher).
How will your information be stored securely?
All electronic information is retained on Deborah Jayne School of Dance approved devices only and password protected and/or encrypted.
For the safety of the children class registers contain an emergency contact telephone number and relevant medical information. This information will be handled by the Deborah Jayne School of Dance Principal and, where necessary, appropriate Deborah Jayne School of Dance team members (i.e. teachers during classes) only. Medical information will only ever be shared in the case of an emergency, i.e. to inform the attending paramedics of a relevant injury or allergy. It is your job to inform us immediately and in full of any new medical conditions/injuries and any changes to pre-existing conditions. This includes physical and psychological conditions.
What happens to your information if you leave Deborah Jayne School of Dance?
When a child leaves the school all personal information (paper and electronic) is archived in case of return. You will need to inform us by email with a request for your personal information to be deleted and/or destroyed. Names are retained on past registers for 6 years (for the purposes of our tax returns) and invoices remain within our system. These are accessible by the Principal only and an auditor/accountant where required. All such information continues to be held in accordance with the GDPR.
Parental Permission:
Following GDPR regulations as pertain to the UK, parental permission is required in all cases for enrolling (and enrolled) pupils under the age of 16. Deborah Jayne School of Dance may continue to require parental knowledge and consent in some situations until the pupil is 18 years of age.
Personal contact details (i.e. mobile phone numbers and email addresses) of pupils will not be accepted as the sole form of communication of Deborah Jayne School of Dance information until the pupil reaches 16 years of age. At this point it will be the pupil and parent/s’ decision whether the parent should also continue to be contacted and/or invoiced. Where the pupil is to take over full responsibility of their enrolment a new Independent Enrolment Form will need to be completed. The data on that form will be handled in the manner as dictated above. All irrelevant parental information will be deleted/destroyed in accordance with the GDPR guidelines.
Responsibilities of the Principal and Teachers at Deborah Jayne School of Dance:
It is the aim of the school that all appropriate team members are properly trained, fully informed of their responsibilities under the GDPR and are aware of their personal liabilities and all policies related to the processing of customer data.
This Notice:
We will update this notice from time to time. Any substantial changes that affect your rights will be provided to you directly as far as is reasonably practicable.
If you have any questions related to privacy, please do not hesitate to contact Deborah Jayne School of Dance at [email protected]